Course Content:
- How to make Web Pages and types of Web Pages
- What are Web Applications?
- Server Side Scripting
- PHP Introduction
- Variables and Expressions in PHP
- PHP Operators
- COnditional Tests and Events
- PHP Flow Control
- Storing Data in Arrays using PHP
- PHP Functions
- String Manipulation in PHP
- Sessions and Cookies
- File and Directory Access using PHP
- I/O and Advance features like XML & AJAX in PHP
- Handling Email with PHP
- Handling Databases with PHP
- Designing the Database
- Creating the Database (Using Tables, Views, Functions, Procedures, Joins, Unions)
- Freelancing & Offshore Projects Development Using Odesk
Fee: Rs. 5000
Duration: 2 months
Muhammad Asif
Software Engineer, CITC
0992-383591 Ext 363
Mobile: 03335645600
Skype ID: m.asif.85